What’s This Notice From ACDD?

My clients who use me for uncontested divorce in Alabama have begun calling me or e-mailing me to ask about a notice they are receiving from the Alabama Central Disbursement Division after their divorce is effective. They wonder what it means, so I thought you might be wondering too. Here’s the text of the notice:

The Alabama Central Disbursement Division (ACDD) has been notified by the Circuit Court of _________________ County, Alabama that child support was ordered in your case. Child support payments will begin after the employer of the person paying support has been served with the Income Withholding Order and deductions have been made from the payor’s earned wages or direct payment has been received. Requests for copies of orders should be directed to the clerk’s office.

The name and address on the front of this notice is the information that will be used to print and mail your check. Your address must be kept current; checks may not be forwarded by the post office.

Visit our web site or contact our office for direct deposit or debit card information.

If you are not the person that is to receive these child support payments or if any information on this notice is not correct or changes, contact the ACDD immediately.

Keep this portion for reference when contacting the ACDD.

Case Number:
(Names of parties)

    Your SSN:

Alabama Central Disbursement Division
P.O. Box 4960
Montgomery, AL 36103-4960

Customer Service Hours: 8 AM to 5 PM, Monday – Friday
Toll-Free Telephone Number: 1-877-774-9513

Automated Voice Response: 1-888-726-9799
Web Site: http://childsupport.alacourt.gov
Email: childsupport@alacourt.gov
Fax: 334-954-5181

I can’t tell how ACDD decides when to send the card and when not to send it, but I know that many of my clients who have opted not to serve the Income Withholding Order have nevertheless received this notice, giving them the impression that money is going to be taken out the paycheck of the other parent to pay child support.

Not to worry. Money won’t be taken out of the paycheck of a divorced parent in Alabama for child support unless the employer receives an Income Withholding Order instructing the employer to withhold the money. If you want to double-check to make sure, go back to the divorce decree the judge signed in your case. If it says the Income Withholding Order will be “served immediately,” or words to that effect, the order has been sent to the employer. On the other hand, if it says the order will be “entered but not served” or words to that effect, it means that the other parent is to pay you directly and that no money will be taken out of his or her paycheck for child support. And the notice from ACDD won’t change that.

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