Alabama Divorce

In addition to Alabama Family Law Center (which is where I practice), you have a good many resources available to you here on if you’re dealing with divorce in Alabama.

You may want to start with the basic information about Divorce in Alabama that’s available here. Then you check out a comprehensive summary of Alabama law dealing with divorce, also available here.

My practice is focused on couples who are able to be reasonably cooperative, so I offer flat rates for uncontested divorce in Alabama.

You can figure your own child support using the interactive calculator I’ve provided here on If you want to figure your child support manually, I’ve included all the tools here to help you. Start with the page with directions for figuring child support. Which you’ll probably want to print. Then you’ll probably also want to print the CS-42 form. You probably don’t need to print the Child Support Table. You can just refer to it when you get your figures ready.

Since this is my site, I choose to designate myself as the DivorceInfo Network Lawyer for Alabama. There’s a thorough list of Alabama Divorce FAQ’s on Property Division, Parenting, Child Support, Alimony, Mediation, Pro Se Divorce, and Miscellaneous FAQ’s.

You can check out copies of the Alabama statutes on Joint Custody, on Mandatory Mediation, and on the visitation rights of grandparents. You can also check out the standard visitation schedule for Jefferson County.

If you’re interested in using me as a coach, I do that by telephone with many people all over the state, and I work to keep the price low. To find out more, click here.

Men, you may want to check out the Alabama Fathers’ Rights Association. If you’re into statistics, you may want to check the Domestic Relations statistics for 1996 in Alabama.

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