California Governer will Veto Same-Sex Marriage

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says he will veto the bill that would have made same-sex marriage legal in the state. Here’s a story about it from MSNBC. Schwarzenegger said the bill, approved by the legislature on Tuesday, would conflict with the will of the voters expressed five years ago, when they approved Proposition 22 to provent California from recognizing same-sex marriages performed in other states.

One thought on “California Governer will Veto Same-Sex Marriage”

  1. My marriage of eight years ended by unusual means, more specifically “default”. However we continued as if no court orders were ever filed. We lived in the same house and then two years later had another child. Now six years later I was evicted from our home together of sixteen years. She stated that she was the landlord and I the tenant. The community bank account checkbook register clearly shows a “creative banking” practice that has me left with nothing not to mention that she states I never contributed to the family financially. She also states that I was a poor provider and was rarely employed and that she supported everything. Furthermore to my surprise she has been hiding our “community property” under her mother’s name and when a recent home loan refinance for a room addition (I discovered by accident reading the loan papers) that her mother is now on title. Also when listing assets for loan approval her mother lists liquid assets of over $400,00.00. And the list goes on.

    I don’t consider myself as a greedy materialistic person at all. But when you build a home and family on a foundation for lifetime only to find out that you have been living with a stranger. Even worse a person who in my belief is committing fraud , has been committing fraud. She signs her maiden name with a middle initial other times she signs her married with no initial or a middle initial that reflects her maiden name. It is my understanding since 911 that all legal signatures have to be consistent with drivers license and/or social security cards. The signatures that are on our court papers, house papers, bank papers, etc. are not consistent at all. Is there any possible way to present this case to court as fraud to prove all default findings were illegally documented.

    Can some one help are point me in the right direction

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