These are the best resources I’ve found so far for dealing with divorce in Colorado, including child support, property division, and the other legal issues you face when you’re going through divorce in Colorado.
I haven’t yet identified a DivorceInfo Network Lawyer for Colorado.
The Colorado Judicial Branch has a set of Domestic Relations Forms you can download, and some more forms here. You can use their Colorado Child Support Calculator.
If you don’t need a lawyer and just want to file a simple divorce, you can order the forms and do it yourself, or you can get DocuPro to do it for you.
Colorado Divorce Information has lots of useful information for people going through divorce. It’s sponsored by theHarris Law Firm in Denver. Here’s a collection of divorce forms for use in Colorado from a lawyer in Michigan, Laurette Tedders.
A local divorce lawyer can help you understand the laws in your area and how they will affect your case. Fill out the form below to arrange a divorce case evaluation.
Larry King in Denver has some excellent information about divorce mediation. He’s also provided a user-friendly guide through the court forms and a summary of options for parenting plans from noted author, mediator and researcher Joan Kelly.