Florida plans to provide DNA testing for free to help collect child support and establish paternity. This article, called Unpaid Child Support Sought, appears in this morning’s Lakeland Ledger.
Separately, Prince Edward Island in Canada has begun revoking the driver’s licenses of deadbeat parents.
As we’ve been saying for a couple of years on Divorceinfo.com, it’s going to get less and less pleasant to be a deadbeat parent.
Been married for six years now and we are expecting a baby soon, I would like to preform a dna test for paternity reasons. If the child is not mine, what are my options in the state of Florida.
In most states, and I suspect in FL too, if you are married to the mother of a child you believe is not yours, you have the option to embrace that child as your own or to disavow your paternity. The way to disavow your paternity is to file for divorce and to state that the child was born during the marriage but not of the marriage.
Me and my exwife has been here in the state of geogia for the last ten years and my child support case is still in Florida ive been asking them about getting a dna test done they say theres nothing they can do about it.they say it would be up to her.I will like to know,what is it that i can do to get a dna test done.while the state of Florida childsupport is not trying to help me get the matter of the situation taking care of.
Do you ever spend time with the child? If so, why not get a Q-tip and swab the child’s mouth, then do a private DNA test?