Information for Lee for Uncontested Divorce

You can use this template to gather the information for your uncontested divorce ahead of time. If you’re planning to use the option of Uncontested Divorce by Long Distance, you can e-mail me an image file after you have filled in the information. If the information below is in red, I need it only if you and your spouse have minor children together.

Probably the easiest way to fill out the template is to download and print the PDF. And here it is in Word format if that’s easier for you. It’s six pages long if you have minor children; you can stop after four pages if you don’t.

Information for the Husband Information for the Wife
Husband’s first name ________________________________ Wife’s first name ________________________________
Husband’s middle name ________________________________ Wife’s middle name ________________________________
Husband’s last name ________________________________ Wife’s last name ________________________________
Is Husband Jr., III? ________________________________
What would the Husband prefer for me to call him?  ________________________________ What would the Wife prefer for me to call her?  ________________________________
Husband’s home phone ________________________________ Wife’s home phone ________________________________
Husband’s work phone ________________________________ Wife’s work phone ________________________________
Husband’s e-mail  ________________________________ Wife’s e-mail  ________________________________
How can I leave a secure phone message for the Husband?  ________________________________ How can I leave a secure phone message for the Wife?  ________________________________
Husband’s Soc. Sec. Number ________________________________ Wife’s Social Security Number ________________________________
Husband’s home street address ________________________________ Wife’s home street address ________________________________
Husband’s City ________________________________ Wife’s City ________________________________
Husband’s State ________________________________ Wife’s State ________________________________
Husband’s zip ________________________________ Wife’s zip ________________________________
Husband’s County ________________________________ Wife’s County ________________________________
Does Husband live within city limits?  ________________________________ Does Wife live within city limits?  ________________________________
Husband’s DOB ________________________________ Wife’s DOB ________________________________
Last grade finished in high school  ________________________________ Last grade finished in high school  ________________________________
Highest college completed (yrs.)  ________________________________ Highest college completed (yrs.)  ________________________________
Husband’s work title ________________________________ Wife’s work title ________________________________
Husband’s employer ________________________________ Wife’s employer ________________________________
Husband’s work address ________________________________ Wife’s work address ________________________________
Husband’s work city ________________________________ Wife’s work city ________________________________
Husband’s work state ________________________________ Wife’s work state ________________________________
Husband’s work zip ________________________________ Wife’s work zip ________________________________
Husband’s annual income ________________________________ Wife’s annual income ________________________________
Husband’s race ________________________________ Wife’s race ________________________________
What number marriage is this for the Husband? ________________________________ What number marriage is this for the Wife? ________________________________
How did the Husband’s most recent marriage end?  ________________________________ How did the Wife’s most recent marriage end?  ________________________________


Date of the marriage __________________________________________________
City in which marriage occurred __________________________________________________
State in which marriage occurred __________________________________________________
County in which marriage occurred __________________________________________________
Separation Date __________________________________________________
Total children of this marriage __________________________________________________
How did you find out about Lee? __________________________________________________
Which party will Lee represent? The Husband or the Wife? __________________________________________________

If you do not have any children together, you may stop here


Of the children, number who are still younger than 19 __________________________________________________
Where will the children live (Mom? Dad? Someone else?) __________________________________________________
Will you have joint custody or sole custody? __________________________________________________
What will the wife’s name be after the marriage? __________________________________________________
What is the child care expense per month? __________________________________________________
What is the cost of health insurance per month,
and who is paying it?

Please provide the following information for each child. If you have more than
four children, feel free to use an extra copy of the form

Full name __________________________________________________
Name the child goes by __________________________________________________
The child’s DOB __________________________________________________
The child’s Social Security Number __________________________________________________
Where the child lives __________________________________________________
The child’s gender __________________________________________________


Full name __________________________________________________
Name the child goes by __________________________________________________
The child’s DOB __________________________________________________
The child’s Social Security Number __________________________________________________
Where the child lives __________________________________________________
The child’s gender __________________________________________________


Full name __________________________________________________
Name the child goes by __________________________________________________
The child’s DOB __________________________________________________
The child’s Social Security Number __________________________________________________
Where the child lives __________________________________________________
The child’s gender __________________________________________________


Full name __________________________________________________
Name the child goes by __________________________________________________
The child’s DOB __________________________________________________
The child’s Social Security Number __________________________________________________
Where the child lives __________________________________________________
The child’s gender __________________________________________________

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