This is about mediation of divorce issues in Illinois, including when and whether mediation is mandatory, who pays for it, and the required credentials for mediators for divorce issues in Illinois.
This information is from Adam Lambert, the DivorceInfo Network Lawyer for Louisiana. Click here to visit his web site.
- Is mediation mandatory? When?
- Who pays for mediation?
- What are the requirements for who can act as mediator?
Is mediation mandatory? When?
Mediation is not mandatory unless it is required by local court Rule and that would only be in cases involving visitation and custody.
Who pays for mediation?
It is up to the court as to how the mediation expense will be divided between the parties, but it is very common to see a 50/50 division of this expense.
What are the requirements for who can act as mediator?
There are no statewide requirements regarding who can act as mediator. However, if mediation is required by local court Rule, that court will require the mediator to have 40-45 hours of mediation training (5 hours of which are in the area of domestic violence).
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