Men going through divorce have made perhaps more aggressive use of the Internet than any other group dealing with the crud of divorce. Web sites abound from men frustrated at the injustices they have encountered (or at least believe they have encountered) dealing with divorce, child custody, visitation, alimony, child support, lawyers, judges, and — of course — ex-wives.
Because there are so many resources available from others on the web, I have not tried to develop anything of my own to duplicate them. Instead, I’ve simply assembled a comprehensive summary of the men’s groups available on the Internet:
- TheMensCenter – Billing itself as the “Male Affirmative Internet Portal.”
- – “Enjoy the Journey of Fatherhood”
- Men’s Rights Organization – requesting men to pay $45 to join. Some links to other organizations.
- WWW.ABUSE-EXCUSE.COM, another resource for people falsely accused of child abuse, child neglect, sexual child abuse, repressed memories, and sexual harassment.
- Still a Dad – recognizing that the parent child remains intact even when children don’t live with both parents any more, with support for stepmoms.
- National Fathers’ Network – not specific to divorce but specific to fathers who have children with long-term illness or development disabilities.
- National Center for Fathering – all about being a Dad, not necessarily focused on divorce issues.