The Oregon legislature is considering ending all alimony after the recipient remarries and giving men more time to challenge their paternity of children they are supporting. Here’s a story about it from The Associated Press on Oregon Live.
It’s a typical pattern in Oregon for the court to suspend alimony when a recipient remarries, but the alimony can be reinstated if the marriage doesn’t work out. “At some point, you should not be able to go back to a former spouse and reconnect for support,” said Sen. Floyd Prozanski, D-Eugene. Senate Bill 945 would do that.
Thanks for your site!
i hope they do this! i am paying alimony to my ex wife even tho she’s been remarried for six years. time to stop this garbage.
This is amazing that alimony doesn’t stop upon remarrying. What is the logic for this? Alimony is to provide a person with the same standard of living as during the marriage. A new husband can’t provide that?