We believe in One God, Who Loves. God made everything we know, and everything we don’t. In the form of the man Jesus, God came to earth and lived with us. We were blind with sin and ignorance, and we rejected Jesus. We killed him on a cross, but God Who Loves transformed our sin and ignorance into eternal victory over sin, ignorance, and death. Our God Who Loves is God Who Saves. Hallelujah!
God calls us to care for the earth and all living things. God calls us to invite others to join and grow in the fellowship. We are not alone, because God sends the Holy Spirit to give us guidance, courage, and power. We are pilgrims on a journey. We strive each day to surrender a little more of our sin and ignorance to the guidance, courage, and power of the Holy Spirit, so that we may become each day a little more the people God yearns us to be. Praise be to God Who Loves. Oh, yes!