Divorce package containing instructions and forms. Easy to understand. All written by lawyers. Step by Step guide. This package is for use where both spouses agree to the divorce. This package is for persons with or without property. |
Divorce package containing instructions and forms. Easy to understand. All written by lawyers. Step by Step guide. This package is for use where both spouses agree to the divorce. This package is for persons with or without property. |
or Minor and Adult Children |
Divorce packages for persons with minor children, or minor and adult children are available for some states and are being added for all states. This package of for persons with or without property. |
To see all the divorce packages available for each state, use this link. This link will not show other divorce forms, separations agreements, or the divorce worksheets. |
Separation Agreements for each State. Different agreements are offered for people with children, or without. |
Ideas to assist you in representing yourself or to assist your attorney. If you are hiring an attorney, completing this form before the initial interview and providing it to your attorney will save you money. |
All Divorce Forms by State
Will I know how to complete the forms? Many of our State packages contain instructions and guides. Others are only forms for you to determine how to complete.
The Correct Forms: The forms listed here are only actual official or other forms used in your State. The forms are not generic self-help legal forms that are usually rejected by many courts. Who can use these Forms: U.S. Legal Forms provides forms to attorneys, businesses and the public. How are your forms distinguished from Self-Help legal books? Many Self-Help legal books and materials are generic or not state specific. Even the ones that are state specific contain forms which may be out of date the day they hit the shelf. We attempt to update our forms as changes are made in a particular State. Also, our forms are available in electronic format, usually Word.
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