These are the best resources I’ve found online for divorce in Vermont. I haven’t yet identified a DivorceInfo Network Lawyer for Vermont.
Here’s the home page for the Vermont Family Court Mediation Program, with some good general information about how mediation works in Vermont.
If you don’t need a lawyer and just want to file a simple divorce, you can order the forms and do it yourself, or you can get DocuPro to do it for you.
Here’s a pamphlet and video on Divorce in Vermont from Vermont Judiciary, which also has divorce forms and child support forms. And here’s a child support calculator from the Vermont Agency for Human Services.
Vermont Law Help has an innovative interactive website where you answer some basic questions before getting some useful information tailored to you.
This is not on point, but here’s an interesting article from family law professor Joanna Grossman called DISSOLVING UNHAPPY VERMONT CIVIL UNIONS: It’s Harder Than It Looks.