Divorce is not permitted in two countries, the Vatican and the Philippines. One has to assume the Vatican is not going to change anytime soon, no matter how strong the Winds of St Francis blow. The Philippines is another matter.
In 2011, according to Agence France Presse, 50% of Filipinos approved the continued ban on divorce. Now, just four years later, 6 out of 10 favor permitting it. President Benigno Aquino, whose support is essential to changing the law, has declared that a change is not a high priority. And the conservative House is dominated by voices like that of Speaker Feliciano ‘Sonny’ Belmonte Jr., who has vowed that “the proposal to legalize divorce will not pass under my watch.”
And I love this one from the Manila Times: “Majority Leader Neptali Gonzales 2nd of Mandaluyong City said the divorce measure, which was refiled in the 16th Congress, will not gain any support because most of the lawmakers are married.”
The Philippines does permit legal separation, and couples can apply two years after a legal separation for a divorce.